
Lecture and conference on climate ethics on March 4-5, 2024

PD Dr. Raphaela Meyer zu Hörste-Bührer and Prof. Dr. Ruben Zimmermann (Mainz) from the steering committee of the research center "Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity" invite experts and interested people to an ecumenical conference on 4/5 March 2024 under the title "Is not the word of the Lord like a fire ...?" (Jer 23:29). On the (in)ability of theology to communicate in the context of the climate crisis" (Wallstraße 7, 55122 Mainz). Invited are well-known speakers from the theological climate ethics discourse such as Prof. Dr. Markus Vogt (Munich), Prof. Dr. Julia Enxing (Dresden), PD Dr. Frederike van Oorschot (Heidelberg), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Manemann (Hanover) or Prof. Dr. Carolin Neuber (Trier), but also people who work at the crossroads of academic theology, church and society, such as Dr. Hubert Meisinger (ZGV) or Arnd Henze (WDR). See details in the flyer

On the evening of March 4, 2024 (7 p.m.), there will be a public lecture by Prof. Dr. Annette Kehnel (Mannheim) on the topic "Is history the lighthouse of sustainability? The power of narratives in the context of the climate crisis". The historian Annette Kehnel is the author of the Spiegel bestseller "Wir konnten auch anders. A brief history of sustainability" (5th ed. 2022).

We cordially ask you to register in advance for planning purposes (

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Ethics of responsibility in the context of the climate crisis

As part of the lecture series "Verantwortung" at TH Aschaffenburg and in the context of 'mainprojects. Wissenstransferprojekt des Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF),' Prof. Dr. Ruben Zimmermann gave a lecture on Nov. 6, 2023 on the topic "Why is a person (un)responsible? Ethics of responsibility in the context of the climate crisis." See the blog post.

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e/αc-Guest Lecture from Professor Morwenna Ludlow

June 1, 2023, 10:15 a.m., T3 (Theologicum): Public lecture by Professor Morwenna Ludlow (Exeter University), "What is good speech? Paraklesis as a biblical model for public discourse in late ancient Greek theology."
All are cordially invited - no registration is necessary!
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MMM 15: Ethik des Essensverzichts (The ethics of abstaining from food)

The 15th MMM in the series "To eat or not to eat. Ethik der Esskulturen" took place on May 10, 2023 in the Atrium Maximum of Johannes Gutenberg University. This time the focus was on the ethics of abstaining from food. Renowned speakers from various disciplines discussed religious fasting in Judaism and Jainism, veganism, politically motivated hunger strikes, and fasting with the purpose of dying.

Please click here to see the program

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