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Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity (JEAC).

The Open Access Journal "Journal for Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity (JEAC)" establishes a dialogue between exegetical, Jewish, patristic, philosophical and systematic theological approaches to current ethical issues. In so doing, it seeks to introduce the ethical dimensions of ancient texts to the contemporary ethical discourse. Ethical issues are not only present in most modern sciences but were also discussed in numerous ancient contexts as well. The manner in which ethical topics are addressed in these texts not only helps us understand our own traditions but offers methodological and conceptual insights in our present contexts. At the same time, however, justice is done neither to the texts nor to the present discourses if only individual arguments or motifs are taken up and adopted from the past. A careful explanation and elaboration of the ethical dimensions of biblical and extra-biblical texts based on their ancient context and situation is needed in order to introduce them into contemporary discourse in an appropriate way.

The "Journal for Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity" embraces the many voices heard across many eras and disciplines by embracing a diversity of academic disciplines and textual forms: Every volume will include articles devoted to a specific ethical question from different theological and non-theological disciplines and a dialogue between advocates of two contrary positions on the question, miscellanies, and reviews. In order to make the results broadly available for the ethical discourse the journal will be published open access. All contributions will be solicited by the editors and written in either German or English language. The contributions will also be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers, assuring both quality and interdisciplinary comprehensibility.